Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Way Too Busy!

I am so busy around here that I haven't done much of anything creative. I did prepare the scrapbook page for when company comes next week. We'll be having a picnic at the I have this WILD summer page ready! The white spaces will be the photos. The patterned paper above is where I will have them each write about their favorite moment. That got me to thinking about last year when Marlana came to visit(her and her sis and the grandson are coming next week). So I pulled out a couple scrapbook pages that even she hasn't seen yet. I thought I'd share them with you since I have nothing else to post! And this one has nothing to do with any of this. It just caught my eye as it is one of my favorites. I really love how the journaling overlays the chipboard letters 'love'.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love the effect you created with the chipboard love letters. How clever. Placing the letters over the wording is a wonderful finishing touch too.

Cards That Pop!

   Black makes colors really pop, there's no doubt about it. It's why we go to the classic 'little black dress' for spec...