Monday, January 19, 2009

Lettering Trick

I've got the scrappin' bug big time lately! Again with the grandson here. What can I say? My teenage son rarely even lets me take a photo, much less one with him SMILING. Sheesh! Anyway, Jeremy and his grandpa(papa) are both fanatical about trains, so I know they will love this.I wanted to show you the title in detail. I made the letters look like a railroad track(I believe). What I did was put rubber bands around foam stamps, then ink and stamp.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Let the fun begin!

Just sharing a pretty picture from last year as I have some quirks to iron out with the new PC concerning my scanner and portable media drives.
After being away from blogging for a year, I am eager to return! I didn't have a focus before. Now I've decided to blog about scrapbooking and teaching. They often go hand in hand for me. This will take me a few days to get going and then I look forward to making new friends, visiting old friends, and sharing great ideas!

Cards That Pop!

   Black makes colors really pop, there's no doubt about it. It's why we go to the classic 'little black dress' for spec...