Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yeah! An Award and Giveaway Reminder!

Happy Thursday! Don't forget to leave a comment for my Mother's Day Giveaway; you have till the 30th of May!

I'm so pleased to receive and award. I think this is an interesting one because it lets us have a little peek into other people's hopes, dreams, goals, and wishes!
Thanks to Sandy for this recognition. To fulfill the good wishes of this award I am to tell where I see myself in 10 years. Hmm...I think a list is in order.

1. In a good place with my grown son(teenager at the moment...VERY).
2. Happily married to my current fiance.
2. Having finished my second BA and a Master's in my new chosen career field of Geoscience.
3. Wishfully, having published my in-progress young-adult novels.
4. Living back at the CA coast.
5. Still creating and sharing in the blog world!

In the spirit of sharing, I am to pass this award along to 10 other blog friends. The rules are simple. Just post this award and link back to the person that sent you the award, then forward to 10 of your blog friends. Although some of these ladies don't know me well; I am a fan of their lovely blogs and so these are my picks to share with you. I am confident that you will enjoy browsing their varied blogs. Have a great day and here are my picks!

Claire at Blah to Tada!
Lidia at Breaking Barriers
Lisa at Nature Nutz
Laurie at Moonwild Art Studio
Jackie at Best of Times
Deb at Sparkling Scrapbooks
Lisa at What a Beautiful Mess
Jessy at Teacher Jessy's Blog
Jodi at Sweet Repeats
Nancy at Sugar Lump Studios


Lisa said...

Thank you for selecting me Vanessa. I will try and do mine this week. Geoscience? I will admit I had to look that up.

Enjoy the sunshine. Thank you.


LISA said...

Thank You so much Vanessa!! That was very sweet of you!!

deb famularo said...

Hi Vanessa!! How sweet of you to pass the award on to me! Thank you! Hope you are doing well! I hope I am living back on the CA coast, or any coast, in ten! xoxO deb

Anonymous said...

Vanessa you are a sweetheart! thank you so much for passing this award to me ! I really appreciate it, and how sweet and generous of you to pass this award to people that doesn't know you.
God bless you my friend and thank you so much!! I will be posting it soon , I already finished a page but I need time to post it so I will do all together.
BTW CONGRATULATIONS for the Award!!!!!
to you sweetie.

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Hello Vanessa
thank you for the sweet award. I feel honored.
Yes, Ian is Gaelic for "John"...Sean is Irish Gaelic for it, as well as Ivan (Russian)...I could go on and on. Nice to know another Mom who selected this as their son's name (my son is actually a Christopher Ian but always went by his middle since he is a Junior)...anyhow...have a great weekend!

deb famularo said...

I forgot to tell you, I love Monterey Bay- been there several times when I lived in the Bay Area- it's one of my favorite places. I miss it!!!!!!! Have a wonderful week...xoxo deb

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