Saturday, March 21, 2009

Feelin' the Green!

Green has always been my favorite color, so naturally, I chose this for my next color collage. It symbolizes growth, nature and new beginnings. Nature always makes my soul serene and my heart sing! Such interesting things all around us! Anyway, I was letting the green idea gel in my head a few days. Then one day, I woke up remembering this old, miniature book called 'Ferney Glades and Flowery Nooks' that I had been given by my mother. I had found my muse! It's basically prose and poetry for women--very old fashioned and in Old English. Anyway, it gave me the feeling of fairies/mother nature and I knew I wanted to use leaves for wings. So, I began to place things. They felt right immediately for me.I added buttons and scrunched the bright green fabric as grass.
I thought she needed a belt.
And a wand. Then for a bit of text...I found it in the same book; it just jumped off the page and was perfect!
And that feels like green to me!


kate said...

What a lovely quote. Seems to go perfectly with your light and airy fairy wings. What's your next colour?

Stephanie said...

ahhhh, green....tis the season!

Carla said...

Way too cool! Love the spectacular detail! I'm wearing a lime green sweater today, I would look so good with that page!!

Sarah said...

That is the cutest little fairy! I just love all the beautiful details you put into your layouts, they are extraordinary!! Have a fabulous day!

Cards That Pop!

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