A little bit of arts, crafts, vegan cooking and whatever else strikes my fancy.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I have scrapper's block. My solution: Do something else! I bought these yummy, colorful flannels a while back and finally used them.It has become a tradition of mine to make pajamas every year. It started when I was very poor; working full-time at a low-paying job, going to college full-time and raising my son alone. At the time, I had no budget for clothing and I discovered that Walmart had flannels--albeit, decidely masculine and not the greatest quality--for $1 a yard. No kidding! So, I would make pajamas for my son and I late in the night for a total cost of 1-2 dollars a pair! Who knows how I had the time or energy; but you do what you have to, to survive. These days, I am much more privileged and can pick pretty fabrics and I still get great joy in putting on those simple, yet sunny and snuggly jammies for the first time each year. An act of necessity became an act of pure, simple pleasure. Now if you'll excuse me...I must go put on my jammies and snuggle up for a bit of T.V. Zzzzzzzzzzz.........
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