I know, I know; I've been a really bad blog host. It's been hectic around here trying to get my son to pass SOME of his classes. No, I don't even have the lofty goal of ALL of his classes right now(he can retake a couple in summer school).
You must live a charmed life if your teenager is doing wonderful in high school. I envy you, I admire you. Secretly, I resent you and would like to hang you by your toes(totally joking!) when you tell me about your perfectly-behaved-well-adjusted-Honor roll student. This is not my world; never has been. And that's all I have to say about that.

This LO was begun a month ago at a crop party. I had NO idea it had been that long till I received a reminder that THIS Friday was our crop night for this month. Shamefully, I completed the LO promptly today! It is of my Grandad from England and part of my continued effort to scrap some heritage for my son so he'll know his roots. I will be back in the swing of blogging in a week or so. I have a lot of projects grinding in the wheels of my little pea brain and so many new goodies to use! 'See' you soon!
Vanessa, this page is exquisite!!!
About your son...some kids are just not cut out for school. It must be hard, but try to remember that as he grows, he may settle down and wind up being more successful than all those honor roll kids. There are more important things in life than being on the HR. Both of my teenage sons are, and it's way down there on the list of things I love about them. As a school teacher, some of my highest performing kids are my least favorite. I don't enjoy the Type A students, and we have never made school THAT IMPORTANT in our house, even though we're both teachers. Hang in there, baby!
Hi Vanessa,
I homeschooled my 11 year old for the first time this year. Never in a million years would I ever thought I'd do that- but here in TX, it's very common. OMG, let's just say he's back in middle school in the Fall. I'm lucky I'm not wearing an orange jumpsuit- I SO respect teachers, even moreso now. Just to get him to sit still, ughhhhhhhhhh!Very interesting comment above me here. I agree.
So many friends I know who weren't 'school savvy' then are super successful careerwise now. Go figure! xOxO
This is gorgeous, Vanessa!! Love the effect on the word GRANDAD (did you ink that?) and those doc tags just hanging there.. very nice!!
first of all...Hugs on the teenager!!! I understand and I have been there done that and wouldn't want to go back!!!!
second...I LOVE that LO of Grandad!!!! WOW!!! Hope you get to blog a little more and your life gets a little easier!!
Hi! I hope this finds you doing well. I noticed you have not posted for a bit! Take care & looking forward to seeing some more of your work!
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