It was particularly exciting for him as he used to be a commercial pilot and flight instructor. D began flying lessons at the age of 16 where he had saved up his own money from working in a grocery store. He proudly earned his first liscence at 17 years old. Unfortunately, due to developing diabetes in his 40's; he could no longer fly commercially and had to change careers.

This unique chance to fly in a rare aircraft was a gift from co-workers and made even more special by the host pilot. He allowed D to fly the plane and participate in a mock dogfight with another war plane. For all of these reasons, I wanted to make something to remember this day:

I thought it would be nice to commemorate his birthday flight by making something to hang on the wall, rather than a traditional scrapbook. I found my inspiration in Shona Cole's altered board books after reading her article in Somerset Workshop. It's actually a mini scrapbook mounted on altered canvas and these are some of the inside pages.

Getting instructions from the ground crew.

Flight check.

Thumbs up. Ok for take off!

OHHH soooo great! You did an amazing job!! WOOOT!!! Love em!
omg, my hubby (an air traffic controller) would DIE to fly in one of those! His uncle flew in WWII! You did an awesome job!!!! Just beautiful!!!! xOxO deb
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