Monday, August 4, 2008


Just sitting at the table looking out the window.Eating a strange breakfast of freshly-toasted, homemade sourdough bread and chopped tomatoes with some freshly-picked basil from the backyard, minced onions, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar.I'm contemplating on whether to do what I should or what I want. I hope you all have a nice day.


Anonymous said...

Always go for what you want first...and add just a little of the what you should!! Hope you have a deliciously wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Wonderful! breakfast to me!!!

LizzieJane said...

What a yummy breakfast! I would do what you want to do just in case you are to tired after doing what you have to do!

Vanessa said...

You all were right! I should have done some fun activities first because it never happened!

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