Quite some time ago, I mentioned this idea. In a way, it's a scrapbook for your classroom. It came to mind as we near the end of the year; even though I don't have a class to do it with now(sniff). I think this is a fun project for the last week of school. It would also work great for an after-school, daycare, or church group. First, we take a giant piece of poster paper to cover the board or wall. The students cut out rectangles at the top and bottom edges...to mimic a film strip. It's time-consuming and ALL of them can work on it while you begin to pack up your room for the summer.
Anyway, next give them each a letter of the alphabet and a template(if you would like my template, email me and I will send it to you). They think of something they learned(or more than one) this year. Students can draw, paint, stamp, or add an actual photo, put the monogram and write a little something about it. Make sure they put their name somewhere so you can look back and know who did it. Fast kids can do more than one. Some kids can glue them on the poster/film strip. Some can create a title. My room is usually organized chaos during projects. I feel creative expression needs less direction and as a bonus, they learn to cooperate like the REAL world. Somehow, it always comes together!
From here, we usually invite the upcoming grade to visit the classroom. We hand out a newsletter/info. sheet of what to expect next year. They get guided tours of the room--show off projects--have a slideshow or powerpoint going on the T.V. and drinks and snacks. It's a lot of fun and my class is so proud and surprised by everything they have learned!

When it's all over, you can cut out the monogram/pictures and put them on a binder ring. Just add the year and hang it with your class photo that year. In the future, other students love to look at them, younger siblings find their siblings' work, and students that return to visit love to look too. And as a bonus, I have a nice little memento from all my students. Love it!